Course Catalog

GWWI courses give you the practical skills and hands-on practice you need to do your job and advance in your career. The majority of our classes are taught onsite at our recently renovated facility using our updated training materials. Our instructors have over forty years of combined experience.


Backflow for Program Administrators

Backflow for Program Administrators

12 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course is designed for individuals directly involved in a Cross Connection Control program, staff and management alike. Students will learn about the essential elements of a program, as well as how to develop and manage an effective Cross Connection Control Program.

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Backflow Prevention Assembly Repair

Backflow Prevention Assembly Repair

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This classroom/hands-on course is for anyone wanting to understand the basic maintenance and repair principles of backflow prevention assemblies.

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Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Training - In-Person Only

Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Training - In-Person Only

32 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course is designed for anyone who is interested in obtaining a GAWP Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Certification. This course is a classroom/hands-on course. This should NOT be used for continuing education points. All students will be required to pass the hands-on proctored exam in order to receive certificate of completion. Certificate of completion will not be issued to students that do no pass all three hands-on proctored exams.

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Backflow Prevention Review

Backflow Prevention Review

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


For anyone wanting to get the latest information regarding backflow prevention assembly and testing requirements. The course is designed to not only provide the latest backflow information, but it is also a forum to answer any questions that students may have.

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Backflow Prevention Workshop & Expo

Backflow Prevention Workshop & Expo

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


For anyone wanting to get the latest information regarding backflow prevention assembly and testing requirements. The course is designed to not only provide the latest backflow information, but it is also a forum to answer any questions that students may have.The students will learn many of the concepts related to cross connection control through backflow prevention assemblies.

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Basic Chemistry for Water Professionals

Basic Chemistry for Water Professionals

12 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course is for any treatment operator or laboratory professional that wishes to expand their understanding of chemistry concepts. Students will spend time reviewing basic chemistry concepts and performing several mathematical operations that are found on many operator/analyst certification exams. The course content will prepare any prospective laboratory analyst for the type of questions and content seen on the Georgia water and wastewater analyst exams.

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BOD Workshop

BOD Workshop

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course is intended for the operator or analyst that wishes to learn more advanced topics regarding BOD sampling, analysis, and troubleshooting. The course content covers ABC needs to know criteria for the advanced wastewater licenses, specifically the Georgia Wastewater Class 1.

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DBP's from Source Water to Distribution Systems

DBP's from Source Water to Distribution Systems

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course prepares students to gain a better understanding on the formation and treatment processes associated with Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water.

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Distribution Systems Operation & Maintenance

Distribution Systems Operation & Maintenance

27 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course places high emphasis on multiple safety topics including heavy equipment & trench safety. This class is for anyone interested in obtaining a GA Distribution Systems Operator certification. The course covers the design, installation, inspection, repair and testing of a water distribution system.

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Distribution Systems Review

Distribution Systems Review

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course is a brief overview of the material covered in the Distribution Systems Operation & Maintenance course.

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Drinking Water Lab Review

Drinking Water Lab Review

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course covers topics as related to laboratory operation and compliance. It prepares students for current laboratory industry standards.

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Drinking Water Laboratory Analyst

Drinking Water Laboratory Analyst

27 hours - 12 CE Points


This course is a combination of lecture and hands-on laboratory exercises. It meets the training requirements for anyone interested in obtaining the GA Drinking Water Laboratory Analyst certification and will serve as half of the required 48 hours of advanced training for GA Class 2 Drinking Water Operator exam.

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Drinking Water Laboratory Methods Plus Jar Testing

Drinking Water Laboratory Methods Plus Jar Testing

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This brief course covers the typical laboratory methods that are typically used by drinking water treatment operators. A substantial portion of the class is dedicated to the jar testing procedure.

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Drinking Water Math

Drinking Water Math

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course reviews the basic drinking water calculations that may be encountered on a drinking water treatment or distribution operator certification exam.

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Drinking Water Microbiology

Drinking Water Microbiology

12 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course is a lecture/hands-on course that covers the requirements and methods of a successful drinking water microbiology laboratory. Students will not only review the EPA and GA EPD requirements for an approved laboratory, but they will also perform many hands-on exercises. Upon completion the student will have a much clearer understanding of the expectations and operation of their microbiological lab.

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Drinking Water Sampling

Drinking Water Sampling

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


The class covers the required sampling protocol for drinking water samples. While this course emphasizes samples collected for permit requirements (TTHMS, Coliform, etc.), process control sampling is also discussed.

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Drinking Water Treatment Class 2

Drinking Water Treatment Class 2

24 Hours - 12 CE Points


This course covers all ABC Needs-to-Know topics for not only GA Class 2 operator, but also GA Class 1. This provides half of the required advanced training hours for the GA Class 2 Drinking Water Operator exam & pairs with its counterpart Drinking Water Laboratory Analyst. Upon completion of this course, the student will have an understanding of plant treatment troubleshooting, management & system optimization.

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Drinking Water Treatment Class 3

Drinking Water Treatment Class 3

40 Hours - 12 CE Points


This is a basic, entry-level course for anyone considering taking the GA Class 3 Drinking Water Operator exam & meets the ABC Needs-to-Know topics. This course promotes the understanding of how drinking water treatment is performed and controlled. This course provides the required training hours for the GA Class 3 Drinking Water Operator exam.

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Drinking Water Treatment Class 4

Drinking Water Treatment Class 4

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course focuses on the operation and management of small groundwater/purchasing systems. This course will prepare drinking water treatment professionals with the information to take the GA Class 4 Drinking Water Treatment exam & meets the ABC Needs-to-Know topics. Upon completion, the student will have a basic understanding of required compliance sampling, water testing & monitoring requirements.

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Drinking Water Treatment Process Control

Drinking Water Treatment Process Control

6 Hours - 6 CE Points


This course is an overview of the process control tests that can be performed by drinking water treatment operators. Special emphasis is placed on the interpretation and response to the process control tests.

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